المحرر موضوع: " الآراميون لا يخافون الموت "!  (زيارة 11304 مرات)

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غير متصل henri bedros kifa

  • عضو فعال جدا
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  • مشاركة: 653
    • مشاهدة الملف الشخصي
    • البريد الالكتروني

" الآراميون لا يخافون الموت "!
هنري بدروس كيفا
لقد رأيت هذه الجملة في نص أكادي قديم منذ أكثر من ٢٥ سنة و لكنني
نسيت أن أسجل اسم الكتاب ! و مرت الأيام و وجدت كتابات أخرى
تشيد ببأس المقاتلين الآراميين !
أرجو من القارئ ألا يظن بأنني أبالغ لأنني أتحدر من هذا الشعب الآرامي
العظيم : و هذه الجملة لم يتركها لنا أحد الملوك الآراميين كي يتباهى
بقوته ! هذه الجملة هي من فم الملك الأشوري سنحريب الذي كان
يحارب القبائل الكلدانية و الآرامية في بلاد أكاد !
Moreover, he, [the evil Chaldean, evildoer, (and) offspring of murder], gathered together [Uruk, Lars]a, Ur, Eridu, Kulaba, Kissik, (and) Nēmed-La[gu]da, the lands of the Bīt-Ya[kīn, Bīt-Amukāni, Bīt-Ašillāni (Bīt-Šillāni), Bīt-Saʾa]lli, (and) Bīt-Dakkūri, all of the Chaldeans, as many as there were; on the bank(s) of the [Tigris] River, the [Tuʾumuna, Riḫiḫu], Yadaqqu, Gibrê, (and) Ma­li­ḫu (Ma­la­ḫu); on the bank(s) of the [Surappu] River, [the Gurumu, Ubulu, Damu]nu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ruʾuʾa, (and) Puqudu; on the bank(s) of the [Euphrates] River, [the Ḫam­rā­nu, Ḫa­ga­rā­nu], Nabatu, (and) Liʾtaʾu — insubmissive Arameans who did not know (fear of) death; (15) Nippur, Dilbat, [Marad, Kish, Ḫursagkalama, Baby]lon, Borsippa, (and) Cutha, all of Karduniaš (Babylonia) an[d pr]epared (them) for battle.
لن أترجم النص و لكنني سأضع الرابط
أ - هذه الكتابة تثبت لنا أن الأشوريين كانوا يسمون وسط و جنوب العراق
تارة "كردونياش" و طورا " بلاد سومر و أكاد " مع أن جميع سكان هذه
المنطقة كانوا من الآراميين : القبائل الكلدانية و الآرامية .
ب - هذه الكتابة تشرح لنا أماكن تواجد القبائل الكلدانية على الفرات
و القبائل الآرامية على نهر دجلة و رافده .
ج - ملاحظة مهمة جدا : هذه الكتابة تؤكد أن قبيلة Nabatu هي
آرامية ! و هذه القبيلة ستنتشر في شرقي الأردن و تشتهر بحضارتها
الآرامية ! أغلب الباحثين يرددون بأن الأنباط كانوا عربا و هذا غير
صحيح تاريخيا !
السريان أحفاد الآراميين قد برهنوا في تاريخنا الحديث ( حرب لبنان ...)
أنهم لا يخافون الموت مثل أجدادهم العظام !
ليت السريان يتوحدون و يدافعون عن هوية أجدادهم الآراميين فينتصرون
على الموت !

غير متصل آشور بيت شليمون

  • عضو فعال جدا
  • ***
  • مشاركة: 842
    • مشاهدة الملف الشخصي
    • البريد الالكتروني
رد: " الآراميون لا يخافون الموت "!
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Sennacherib 001

mdEN.ZU-ŠEŠ.MEŠ-eri-ba LUGAL GAL LUGAL dan-nu LUGAL KUR aš-šur.KI LUGAL la šá-na-an RE.É.UM mut-nen-nu-ú pa-liḫ DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ 1

(1) Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, (and) strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, (and) the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

na-ṣir kit-ti ra-ʾi-im mi-šá-ri e-piš ú-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i sa-ḫi-ru dam-qa-a-ti 2

eṭ-lum gít-ma-lum zi*-ka-ru qar-du a-šá-red kal ma-al-ki rap-pu la-ʾi-iṭ la ma-gi-ri mu-šab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni 3

daš-šur KUR-ú GAL-ú LUGAL-ut la šá-na-an ⸢ú⸣-šat-li-ma-an-ni-ma UGU gi-mir a-šib pa-rak-ki ú-šar-ba-a GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia

(4) The god Aššur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than (those of) all who sit on (royal) daises.

i-na SAG LUGAL-ti-ia ša i-na GIŠ.⸢GU.ZA⸣ [(be-lu-ti) ú]-ši-bu-ma ba-ḫu-la-a-te KUR aš-šur.KI ú-ma-ʾe-ru i-na taš-me-e ù sa-li-me

(5) At the beginning of my kingship, after sat on the [(lordly)] throne and took command of the population of Assyria amid obedience and peace, Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-baladan), king of Kardun[iaš (Babylonia), an ev]il [foe], a rebel (with) a treacherous mind, an evildoer whose villainous acts are true, sought [frie]ndship with Šutur-Naḫundu (Šutruk-Naḫḫunte II), an E[lamite], by presenting him with gold, silver, (and) precious stones; then, he continuously requested reinforcements.

mdAMAR.UTU-IBILA-SUM.NA LUGAL KUR.kár-⸢dun⸣-[ia-áš a-a-bu lem]-⸢nu⸣ ba-ra-nu-ú ka-raš sur-ra-a-ti e-piš le-mut-ti ša an-zil-la-šu ⸢kit⸣-tu 4

mšu-túr-dna-ḫu-du LÚ.⸢e⸣-[la-mu-ú a-na ib?]-⸢ru?⸣-ti-šú is-ḫur-ma KÙ.GI KÙ.BABBAR ni-siq-ti NA₄.MEŠ ú-šat-lim-šu-ma e-ter-ri-su ⸢kit⸣-ru

mim-ba-ap-pa LÚ.tur-ta-⸢nu⸣-[šú it-ti gi-piš um]-ma-na-ti-šú mta-an-na-a-nu LÚ.3.U₅ 10 LÚ.GAL KI.ṢIR.MEŠ a-di mdU.GUR-na-ṣir LÚ.su-tu-ú la a-di-ru ta-ḫa-zu

(8) To the land of Sumer and Akkad, he (Šutur-Naḫundu) sent to his (Marduk-apla-iddina’s) assis[tance] Imbappa, [his] field marshal, [together with the massed body of] his
oops, Tannānu, (his) third man, ten unit commanders, including Nergal-nāṣir, a Sutian who is fearless in battle, 80,000 archers (and) [lancers, (and) the 850] wagons (and) horses that were with them.

80 LIM LÚ.ERIM.MEŠ GIŠ.⸢PAN⸣ [GIŠ.az-ma-re-e 8 ME 50 GIŠ].⸢ṣu⸣-um-⸢bi ANŠE⸣.KUR.RA.MEŠ it-ti šú-nu-ti-ma a-na KUR EME.GI₇ ù URI.KI iš-pu-ra re-⸢ṣu⸣-[us]-⸢su⸣

ù šu-⸢ú⸣ [LÚ.kal-du lem-nu e-piš ḪUL-tim NUMUN né-er-ti UNUG.KI] ⸢ARARMA⸣.KI ÚRI.KI eridu.KI kul-aba₄.KI ki-is-⸢sik.KI⸣ URU.né-med-d⸢la⸣-[gu]-da 5

(10) Moreover, he, [the evil Chaldean, evildoer, (and) offspring of murder], gathered together [Uruk, Lars]a, Ur, Eridu, Kulaba, Kissik, (and) Nēmed-La[gu]da, the lands of the Bīt-Ya[kīn, Bīt-Amukāni, Bīt-Ašillāni (Bīt-Šillāni), Bīt-Saʾa]lli, (and) Bīt-Dakkūri, all of the Chaldeans, as many as there were; on the bank(s) of the [Tigris] River, the [Tuʾumuna, Riḫiḫu], Yadaqqu, Gibrê, (and) Ma­li­ḫu (Ma­la­ḫu); on the bank(s) of the [Surappu] River, [the Gurumu, Ubulu, Damu]nu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ruʾuʾa, (and) Puqudu; on the bank(s) of the [Euphrates] River, [the Ḫam­rā­nu, Ḫa­ga­rā­nu], Nabatu, (and) Liʾtaʾu — insubmissive Arameans who did not know (fear of) death; (15) Nippur, Dilbat, [Marad, Kish, Ḫursagkalama, Baby]lon, Borsippa, (and) Cutha, all of Karduniaš (Babylonia) an[d pr]epared (them) for battle.

KUR.É-m⸢ia⸣-[ki-ni KUR.É-ma-muk-ka-a-ni KUR.É-ma-šil-a-ni KUR.É-msa-ʾa]-⸢al⸣-li KUR.É-mdak-ku-ri si-ḫir-ti ⸢LÚ⸣.kal-di ma-la ba-šu-⸢ú⸣

ša GÚ ⸢ÍD⸣.[IDIGNA LÚ.tu-ʾu-mu-na LÚ.ri-ḫi-ḫu LÚ].⸢ia⸣-daq-qu LÚ.gib-re-e ⸢LÚ.ma-li⸣-ḫu

ša GÚ ⸢ÍD⸣.[su-rap-pi LÚ.gu-ru-mu LÚ.ú-bu-lum LÚ.da-mu]-⸢nu⸣ LÚ.gam-bu-lu LÚ.ḫi-in-da-ru LÚ.ru-ʾu-u-a ⸢LÚ.pu-qu⸣-du

ša GÚ ⸢ÍD⸣.[BURANUN LÚ.ḫa-am-ra-a-nu LÚ.ḫa-ga-ra-a-nu] LÚ.na-ba-tú LÚ.li-iʾ-ta-a-ú LÚ.a-ra-mu la kan-šu šá la i-⸢du?-ú⸣ mi-⸢tu?⸣-tum 6

NIBRU.KI dil-⸢bat⸣.[KI MARAD.DA.KI kiš.KI URU.ḫur-sag-kalam-ma KÁ.DINGIR].⸢RA⸣.KI bár-sipa.KI GÚ.DU₈.A.KI gi-mir KUR.kár-dun-ia-áš iš-te-niš ú-pa-ḫir-⸢ma⸣ [ú]-⸢šak⸣-ṣir ⸢ta⸣-ḫa-zu

ia-a-ti ⸢mdEN.ZU-ŠEŠ⸣.MEŠ-eri-⸢ba zi?-kar? EDIN?⸣ na-aʾ-⸢du⸣ ep-še-ti-šú lem-né-e-ti ú-šá-an-nu-nim-ma la-ab-biš an-na-dir-ma qé-reb KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI a-⸢na maḫ⸣-ri-šu aq-ṭi-⸢bi⸣ a-la-ku

(16) When they reported his (Marduk-apla-iddina’s) evil deeds to me, Sennacherib, the attentive man of the steppe, I raged up like a lion and ordered the march into Babylon to confront him. He (Marduk-apla-iddina), the (very) image of an evil gallû-demon, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force, then he reinforced their companies with horses (and) Elamite, Aramean, (and) Chaldean archers, together with Nergal-nāṣir and ten unit commander[s of the king of] the land Elam who did not know (fear of) death, (and) the countless forces who were with them. He brought their contingents together in Cutha and had (them) keep watch at outposts for the approach of my expeditionary force.

šu-ú ḫi-ri-iṣ gal-le-e lem-ni a-lak ger-ri-ia iš-me-ma ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ERIM.MEŠ GIŠ.PAN LÚ.a-la-mu-ú LÚ.a-ra-mu LÚ.kal-du it-ti mdU.GUR-na-ṣir ù 10 LÚ.GAL KI.ṢIR.[MEŠ LUGAL] KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ⸢šá la⸣ i-du mi-⸢tu⸣-tú

e-mu-qí la ni-bi it-ti šú-nu-ti-ma ú-dan-ni-in ki-iṣ-ri-šú-un qé-reb GÚ.DU₈.A.KI iš-te-niš ú-še-rib-ma a-na me-te-eq ger-ri-ia ú-šá-an-⸢ṣir ka⸣-a-⸢du⸣

ṣi-in-di-ia uš-te-še-ra UD.20.KÁM ša ITI.ZÍZ ul-tu bal-til.KI GIM GU₄.AM gap-ši meḫ-ret ERIM.ḪI.A-ia aṣ-bat-ma pa-an gi-ip-ši-ia ul ú-šad-⸢gil-ma⸣ ar-⸢ka⸣-a ul ⸢ú⸣-qí 7

(19) I put my yoked teams in order. On the twentieth day of the month Šabāṭu (XI), like a powerful wild ox, I took the lead of my troops from Baltil (Aššur), but I did not wait for the main force of my army, nor did I wait for the rear guard. (20) I sent (my) chief eunuch (and) my provincial governors to Kish ahead of me, (saying): “Take the road to Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-baladan), but do not be careless about putting a strong watch on him!”

LÚ.GAL SAG LÚ.EN.NAM.MEŠ-ia a-na kiš.KI ú-ma-ʾe-er maḫ-ru-u-a ú-ru-uḫ mdAMAR.UTU-IBILA-SUM.NA ṣab-ta-a-ma e te-ga-a dun-ni-na ma-ṣar-tuš

šu-ú LÚ.EN.NAM.MEŠ-ia e-mur-ma a-di gi-mir el-la-ti-šú KÁ.GAL dza-ba₄-ba₄ uṣ-ṣa-am-ma i-na ta-mir-ti kiš.KI it-ti LÚ.GAL.MEŠ-ia e-pu-uš ta-ḫa-zu

(21) He (Marduk-apla-iddina) saw my provincial governors, then came out of the Zababa Gate with all of his forces and did battle with my magnates in the plain of Kish. The enemy prevailed over my magnates in the thick of battle and they (my magnates) were unable to withstand him. They sent their messenger to me in the plain of Cutha for help.

LÚ.GAL.MEŠ-ia qit-ru-ub ta-ḫa-zi LÚ.KÚR UGU-šú-un id-nin-ma ul i-le-ʾu-ú ma-ḫa-ar-šu ⸢LÚ⸣.A šip-ri-šú-un ša ḫa-mat i-na qé-reb ta-mir-ti GÚ.DU₈.A.KI ṣe-ru-u-a iš-pu-ru-u-ni

i-na ug-gat lìb-bi-ia UGU GÚ.DU₈.A.KI ti-bu šam-ru áš-kun-ma LÚ.mun-daḫ-ṣi sa-ḫi-ir BÀD-šú ⸢as⸣-li-iš ú-ṭeb-bi-iḫ-ma aṣ-ṣa-bat URU

(23) In my rage, I unleashed a fierce assault on Cutha, then I slaughtered the warriors surrounding its wall like sheep and took possession of the city. I brought out horses, the Elamite, Aramean, (and) Chaldean archers, the Elamite unit commanders, and Nergal-nāṣir, together with the guilty citizens, and I counted (them) as booty.

ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ERIM.MEŠ GIŠ.PAN LÚ.e-la-me-e LÚ.a-ra-mu LÚ.kal-du LÚ.GAL KI.ṢIR.MEŠ LÚ.KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ù mdU.GUR-na-ṣir a-di DUMU.MEŠ URU EN ḫi-iṭ-ṭi ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-ti-iš am-nu 8

la-ab-biš an-na-dir-ma al-la-bi-ib a-bu-bi-iš it-ti LÚ.qu-ra-di-ia la ga-me-lu-ti ṣe-riš mdAMAR.UTU-IBILA-SUM.NA a-na kiš.KI áš-ta-kan pa-ni-ia

(25) I raged up like a lion and became furious like the Deluge. With my merciless warriors, I set out for Kish against Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-baladan). Moreover, he, (that) evildoer, saw the cloud of dust of my expeditionary force from afar and fear fell upon him. He abandoned all of his forces and fled to the land Guzummānu.

ù šu-ú e-piš lem-né-e-ti a-ka-mu ger-ri-ia a-na ru-qé-e-ti e-mur-ma im-qu-su ḫat-tu gi-mir el-la-ti-šú e-zib-ma a-na KUR.gu-zu-um-ma-ni in-na-bit

mta-an-na-a-nu a-di um-ma-na-at LÚ.ELAM.MA.KI LÚ.kal-du ù LÚ.a-ra-mu ša i-da-a-šu iz-zi-zu-ma il-li-ku re-ṣu-us-su BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-un áš-kun-ma ú-par-ri-ir el-lat-su

(27) I defeated Tannānu, together with the Elamite, Chaldean, and Aramean troops who had stood by him and had come to his aid, and I scattered his forces. I captured alive Adinu, a nephew of Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-baladan), together with Basqānu, a brother of Iatiʾe, queen of the Arabs, along with their troops. I seized the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, (and) Bactrian camels that he had abandoned during the battle.

ma-di-nu DUMU NIN? mdAMAR.UTU-IBILA-SUM.NA a-di mba-as-qa-a-nu ŠEŠ fia-ti-iʾ-e šar-rat LÚ.a-ri-bi it-ti um-ma-na-te-šú-nu bal-ṭu-su-un ina qa-ti aṣ-bat 9

GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ GIŠ.ṣu-um-bi ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ANŠE.KUNGA.MEŠ ANŠE.MEŠ ANŠE.A.AB.BA.MEŠ ANŠE.ud-ri ša qé-reb tam-ḫa-ri muš-šu-ru ik-šu-da ŠU.II-a-a

i-na ḫu-ud lìb-bi ù nu-um-mur pa-ni a-na KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI a-ḫi-iš-ma a-na É.GAL mdAMAR.UTU-IBILA-SUM.NA áš-šu pa-qad NÍG.ŠU ù NÍG.GA qé-reb-šá e-ru-ub

(30) With a rejoicing heart and a radiant face, I rushed to Babylon and entered the palace of Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-baladan) to take charge of the possessions and property therein. I opened his treasury and brought out gold, silver, gold (and) silver utensils, precious stones, beds, armchairs, a processional carriage, royal paraphernalia of his with gold (and) silver mountings, all kinds of possessions (and) property without number, a substantial treasure, (together with) his wife, his palace women, female stewards, eunuchs, courtiers, attendants, male singers, female singers, palace servants who cheered up his princely mind, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, (and) his palace attendants, and I counted (them) as booty.

ap-te-e-ma É ni-ṣir-te-šú KÙ.GI KÙ.BABBAR ú-nu-ut KÙ.GI KÙ.BABBAR NA₄.MEŠ a-qar-tú GIŠ.NÁ.MEŠ GIŠ.GU.ZA.MEŠ né-me-di GIŠ.šá šá-da-di GIŠ.ga-ši-ru-ut LUGAL-ti-šú šá iḫ-zu-šú-nu KÙ.GI KÙ.BABBAR 10

mim-ma šum-šu NÍG.ŠU NÍG.GA la ni-bi ni-ṣir-tum ka-bit-tum DAM-su MUNUS.UN.MEŠ É.GAL-šú MUNUS.AGRIG.MEŠ LÚ.šu-ut SAG.MEŠ LÚ.TIRUM.MEŠ LÚ.man-za-az pa-ni LÚ.NAR.MEŠ MUNUS.NAR.MEŠ

LÚ.ARAD.MEŠ É.GAL mu-nam-mi-ru ṭè-mu ru-bu-ti-šú si-ḫi-ir-ti um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-šu-ú mut-tab-bi-lu-tú É.GAL-šú ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-ti-iš am-nu

ur-ri-iḫ-ma EGIR-šú a-na KUR.gu-zu-um-ma-ni LÚ.mun-daḫ-ṣi-ia a-na qé-reb ÍD.a-gam-me ù ap-pa-ra-a-ti ú-ma-ʾe-er-ma 5 u₄-me ú-ba-ʾu-šu-ma ul in-na-mir a-šar-šu

(34) I hastened after him to the land Guzummānu and ordered my warriors into the midst of swamps and marshes. For five days they sought him out, but his (hiding) place could not be found. (35) I gathered together the rest of his horses (and) troops, who were weary (and) who had fled like deer instead of going with him, from the midst of the open country and plain.

si-te-et ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ERIM.ḪI.A-šú ša ia-ʾa-šu ma-na-aḫ-tum na-a-liš ip-par-ši-du-šu-ma la il-li-ku i-da-a-šu iš-tu qé-reb EDIN ù ba-ma-a-ti iš-te-niš ú-pa-ḫir 11

i-na me-te-eq ger-ri-ia URU.a-ma-tu URU.ḫa-ú-a-e URU.su-pa-pu URU.nu-qa-bu URU.É*-sa-an-na-bi URU.qu-da-a-a-in 12

(36) In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, (and) plundered the cities Amatu, Ḫauae, Supapu, Nuqabu, Bīt-Sannabi, Qudayyin, Kidrina, Dūr-Ladini, Bitāti, (and) Bānītu, the land Guzummānu, the cities Dūr-Yanṣuri, Dūr-Abī-Yataʾ, Dūr-Rudumme, Bīt-Raḫê, Ḫapiša, Sadian, Ḫurudu, Ṣaḫrina, Iltuk, Allallu, Marad, Yaqimuna, Kupruna, Bīt-Kudurri, Sūqa-Marusi, altogether 33 fortified cities, fortresses of the land of the Bīt-Dakkūri, together with 250 small(er) settlements in their environs;

URU.kid-ri-na URU.BÀD-mla-di-ni URU.bi-ta-a-ti URU.ba-ni-tu KUR.gu-zu-um-ma-nu URU.BÀD-mia-an-ṣu-ri URU.BÀD-ma-bi-ia-ta-aʾ URU.BÀD-mru-du-um-me

URU.É-mra-ḫe-e URU.ḫa-pi-šá URU.sa-di-an URU.ḫu-ru-du URU.ṣa-aḫ-ri-na URU.il-tu-uk URU.al-la-al-lu MARAD.DA.KI URU.ia-qi-mu-na

URU.ku-up-ru-na URU.É-mku-dúr-ri URU.SILA-qa-mma-ru-si nap-ḫar 33 URU.MEŠ dan-nu-ti É BÀD.MEŠ-ni ša KUR É-mdak-ku-ri a-di 2 ME 50 URU.MEŠ TUR.MEŠ ša li-me-ti-šú-nu 13

URU.BÀD-map-pe-e URU.BÀD-mta-né-e URU.BÀD-msa-ma-aʾ URU.sa-ar-ra-ba-tu URU.ṣa-la-ḫa-tu URU.BÀD-mab-da-a-a URU.sa-ap-pi-ḫi-ma-ri URU.ṣib-tú-ša-URU.ma-ak-ka-me-e

(40) the cities Dūr-Appê, Dūr-Tanê, Dūr-Samaʾ, Sarrabātu, Ṣalaḫatu, Dūr-Abdāya, Sappi-ḫimari, Ṣibtu-ša-Makkamê, altogether 8 fortified cities, fortresses of the land of the Bīt-Saʾalli, together with 120 small(er) settlements in their environs;

nap-ḫar 8 URU.MEŠ dan-nu-ti É BÀD.MEŠ-ni ša KUR É-msa-ʾa-al-li a-di 1 ME 20 URU.MEŠ TUR.MEŠ ša li-me-ti-šú-nu

URU.sa-pi-a URU.sa-ar-ra-ba-nu UD.UD.AG.KI BÁRA-mar-ri.KI URU.É-mDINGIR-ba-ni URU.a-ḫu-du URU.ša-iṣ-ṣur-dIŠKUR URU.šá-ḫar-ra-tú URU.ma-na-aḫ-ḫu

(42) the cities Sapīya (Šapīya), Sarrabānu, Larak, Parak-Marri, Bīt-Ilu-bāni, Aḫudu, Ša-iṣ­ṣur-Ad­ad, Ša­ḫar­ra­tu, Manaḫḫu, Ša-amēlê, Dūr-Aqqīya, Nagītu, Nūr-abīnu, Ḫar-Ṣuarra, Dūr-Rukbi, Danda-Ḫulla, Dūr-Bir-Dada, Bīt-Reʾê, Dūr-Ugurri, Ḫindaina, Dūr-Uayyit, Bīt-Taurâ, Sapḫuna, Bu-ḫarru, (45) Ḫarbat-Iddina, Ḫarbat-Kalbi, Ša-barê, Bīt-Bāni-ilūya, Sulādu, Bīt-Iltama-samaʾa, Bīt-Dīni-ili, Daqala, Ḫameza, Bēlā, Tairu, Kiprānu, Iltaratu, Aqqar-ša-kīna, Sagabatu-ša-Mar­dukī­ya, altogether 39 fortified cities of the land of the Bīt-Amukāni, together with 350 small(er) settlements in their environs;

URU.ša-a-me-le-e URU.BÀD-maq-qí-ia URU.na-gi-tu URU.nu-ur-a-bi-nu URU.ḫa-ar-ṣu-ar-ra URU.BÀD-mru-uk-bi URU.da-an-da-ḫul-la URU.BÀD-mbir-da-da

URU.É-re-ʾe-e URU.BÀD-mú-gur-ri URU.ḫi-in-da-i-na URU.BÀD-mú-a-a-it URU.É-mta-ú-ra-a URU.sa-ap-ḫu-na URU.bu-ḫa-ar-ru

URU.ḫar-bat-mSUM.NA URU.ḫar-bat-mkal-bi URU.šá-bar-re-e URU.É-mba-ni-DINGIR-ú-a URU.su-la-a-du URU.É-mil-ta-ma-sa-ma-ʾa URU.É-mdi-ni-DINGIR

URU.da-qa-la URU.ḫa-me-za URU.be-la-a URU.ta-i-ru URU.kip-ra-a-nu URU.il-ta-ra-tú URU.aq-qar*-šá-ki-na URU.sa-ga-ba-tú-ša-mmar-duk-ia

nap-ḫar 39 URU.MEŠ dan-nu-ti ša KUR É-ma-muk-ka-a-ni a-di 3 ME 50 URU.MEŠ TUR.MEŠ ša li-me-ti-šú-nu

URU.É-mza-bi-di-ia ARARMA.KI kul-aba₄.KI eridu.KI ki-is-sik.KI URU.né-med-dla-gu-da URU.BÀD-mia-ki-ni a-di URU.kar-dAG šá ki-šad ÍD.mar-ra-ti

(48) (and) the cities Bīt-Zabidīya, Larsa, Kulaba, Eridu, Kissik, Nēmed-Laguda, (and) Dūr-Yakīn, including the city Kār-Nabû, which is on the shore of the Bitter Sea, altogether 8 fortified cities, fortresses of the land of the Bīt-Yakīn, together with 100 small(er) settlements in their environs;

nap-ḫar 8 URU.MEŠ dan-nu-ti É BÀD.MEŠ-ni ša KUR É-mia-ki-ni a-di 1 ME URU.MEŠ TUR.MEŠ ša li-me-ti-šú-nu

nap-ḫar 88 URU.ME-ni dan-nu-ti É BÀD.MEŠ-ni ša KUR.kal-di a-di 8 ME 20 URU.[MEŠ] TUR.MEŠ ša li-me-ti-šú-nu al-me ak-šu-ud áš-lu-la šal-la-su-un 14

(50) the (grand) total is 88 fortified cities, fortresses of Chaldea, together with 820 small(er) settlement in their environs.

ŠE.IM ZÚ.LUM.MA ša qé-reb ki-ra-a-te-šú-nu BURU₁₄-šú-nu ša EDIN ⸢ERIM.ḪI.A-ni⸣ ú-šá-kil ap-pul aq-qur i-na dGIŠ.BAR ⸢aq⸣-mu a-na DU₆.MEŠ ma-šu-ú-ti ú-ter

(51) I let my troops eat the grain (and) dates in their gardens (and) their crops in the countryside. I destroyed (them), devastated (them), (and) burned (them) with fire, (and) turned (them) into forgotten ruin hills.

LÚ.úr-bi LÚ.a-ra-mu LÚ.kal-du ša qé-reb UNUG.KI NIBRU.KI ⸢kiš⸣.KI ḫur-sag-kalam-ma.KI a-di DUMU.MEŠ URU ⸢EN⸣ [ḫi-iṭ]-ṭi ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-ti-iš am-nu 15

(52) I brought out the auxiliary forces of the Arameans (and) Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, (and) Ḫursagkalama, together with the [guil]ty citizens, and I counted (them) as booty.

ŠE.IM ZÚ.LUM.MA ša qé-reb ki-ra-a-te-šú-nu me-reš ma-na-ḫi-šú-nu BURU₁₄ EDIN ba-laṭ ⸢na-piš⸣-[ti-šú]-⸢nu⸣ ERIM.ḪI.A-ni ú-šá-kil

(53) I let my army eat the grain (and) dates in their gardens, the fields they had labored in, (and) the crops in the countryside, which is t[heir] li[fe’s] necessity.

mEN-DÙ DUMU LÚ.GAL-DÙ pe-re-ʾi šu-an-na.KI šá ki-ma mi-ra-ni ṣa-aḫ-ri qé-reb É.GAL-ia ir-bu-ú [a-na LUGAL-ti KUR EME].⸢GI₇.KI⸣ ù URI.KI áš-ta-kan UGU-šú-un

(54) I appointed over them Bēl-ibni, a son of a rab banî (and) a scion of Šuanna (Babylon) who had grown up like a young puppy in my palace, [as king of the land of Sumer] and Akkad.

i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia LÚ.tu-ʾu-mu-na LÚ.ri-ḫi-ḫu LÚ.ia-daq-qu LÚ.ú-bu-du LÚ.gib-re-[e LÚ.ma-li-ḫu LÚ.gu-ru-mu LÚ.ú]-⸢bu-lu⸣ LÚ.da-mu-nu LÚ.gam-bu-lum LÚ.ḫi-in-da-ru 16

(55) On my return march, I defeated [all toget]her the Tuʾumuna, Riḫiḫu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibr[ê, Ma­li­ḫu (Ma­la­ḫu), Gurumu, U]bulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Ḫindaru, Ruʾuʾa, Puqudu, Ḫam­rā­nu, Ḫa­ga­rā­nu, Nabatu, (and) Li[ʾ]taʾ[u, insubmissive A­ra­me­ans] and I plundered them.

LÚ.ru-ʾu-u-a LÚ.pu-qu-du LÚ.ḫa-am-ra-a-nu LÚ.ḫa-⸢ga⸣-ra-a-nu LÚ.na-ba-tu LÚ.⸢li⸣-[iʾ]-ta-a-[u LÚ.a-ra-mu la kan-šú mit-ḫa]-riš ak-šudud-ma áš-lu-la šal-la-su-un

i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia ša mdAG-EN-MU.MEŠ ⸢LÚ.qi⸣-pi URU.ḫa-ra-ra-ti KÙ.GI KÙ.BABBAR GIŠ.mu-[suk-kan-ni] ⸢GAL⸣.MEŠ ANŠE.[MEŠ ANŠE].GAM.MAL.MEŠ GU₄.MEŠ ù US₅.UDU.ḪI.A man-da-ta-šú ka-bit-tú am-[ḫur]

(57) In the course of my campaign, I re[ceived] a substantial payment from Nabû-bēl-šumāti, the official in charge of the city Ḫararatu: gold, silver, large mu[sukkannu]-trees, donkey[s, c]amels, oxen, and sheep and goats.

ba-ḫu-la-te URU.ḫi-rim-me LÚ.KÚR ak-ṣu ša ul-tu ul-la a-na LUGAL.MEŠ-ni AD.MEŠ-ia la ik-nu-⸢šu i-na⸣ GIŠ.TUKUL ú-šam-qit-ma na-piš-tum ul e-zib

(58) I put to the sword the population of the city Ḫirimmu, a dangerous enemy who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors, and I did not leave one alive. I reorganized that district (and) imposed for eternity one ox, ten sheep, ten homers of wine, (and) twenty homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings for the ginû-offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords.

na-gu-ú šu-a-tu a-na eš-šu-ti aṣ-bat 1-en GU₄ 10 UDU.MEŠ 10 ANŠE GEŠTIN.MEŠ 20 ANŠE ZÚ.LUM.MA re-še-te-šú a-na gi-né-e DINGIR.MEŠ KUR aš-šur.KI EN.MEŠ-ia ú-kin dà-ri-šam

it-ti 2 ME 8 LIM šal-lat UN.MEŠ ka-bit-tum 7 LIM 2 ME ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ANŠE.KUNGA.MEŠ 11 LIM 73 ANŠE.MEŠ 5 LIM 2 ME 30 ANŠE.GAM.MAL.MEŠ 80 LIM 50 GU₄.MEŠ 8 ME LIM 1 ME US₅.UDU.ḪI.A šal-meš a-tu-ra a-na qé-reb KUR aš-šur.KI

(60) I returned safely to Assyria with 208,000 substantial captives, 7,200 horses (and) mules, 11,073 donkeys, 5,230 camels, 80,050 oxen, (and) 800,100 sheep and goats. This is apart from the people, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats that all of my troops had carried away and appropriated for themselves.

e-zib UN.MEŠ ANŠE.MEŠ ANŠE.GAM.MAL.MEŠ GU₄.MEŠ ù US₅.UDU.ḪI.A ša gi-mir ERIM.ḪI.A-ia e-bu-ku-nim-ma a-na ra-ma-ni-šú-nu is-ki-lu si-kil-tu

ù ba-ḫu-la-te na-ki-ri šep-ṣu mit-ru ša a-na ni-ri-ia la ik-nu-šu i-na GIŠ.TUKUL ú-šam-qit-ma a-lul ga-ši-šiš

(62) Moreover, I put to the sword the soldiers of the enemy, a recalcitrant force who had not submitted to my yoke, and hung (their corpses) on poles.

i-na u₄-mi-šu-ma NINA.KI ma-ḫa-zu ṣi-i-ru URU na-⸢ram⸣ diš-tar ša nap-ḫar ki-du-de-e DINGIR.MEŠ ù dIŠ.TAR.MEŠ ba-šu-ú qé-reb-šu

(63) At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city loved by the goddess Ištar in which all of the rituals for gods and goddesses are present; the enduring foundation (and) eternal base whose plan had been designed by the stars (lit. “writing”) of the firmament and whose arrangement was made manifest since time immemorial; (65) a sophisticated place (and) site of secret lore in which every kind of skilled craftsmanship, all of the rituals, (and) the secret(s) of the lalgar (cosmic subterranean water) are apprehended;

tem-me-en-nu da-ru-ú du-ru-uš ṣa-a-ti ⸢ša⸣ ul-tu ul-la it-ti ši-ṭir bu-ru-um-me eṣ-rat-su eṣ-ret-ma šu-pu-ú ṣi-in-du-šu

áš-ru nak-lu šu-bat pi-riš-ti šá mim-ma šum-šú ši-pir ni-kil-tim gi-mir pel-lu-de-e ni-ṣir-ti làl-gar šu-ta-bu-lu qé-reb-šu

ša ul-tu ul-la LUGAL.MEŠ-ni a-⸢li⸣-kut maḫ-ri AD.MEŠ-ia ul-la-nu-u-a be-lu-ut KUR aš-šur.KI e-pu-šu-ma ú-ma-ʾe-ru ba-ʾu-lat dEN.LÍL

(66) in which since time immemorial earlier kings, my ancestors, before me exercised dominion over Assyria and ruled the subjects of the god Enlil, and wherein annually, without interruption, they received an income unsurpassed in amount, the tribute of the rulers of the four quarters (of the world);

ù šat-ti-šam la na-par-ka-a ⸢e⸣-reb la nar-ba-a-ti GUN mal-ki kib-rat ar-ba-ʾi im-da-na-ḫa-ru qé-reb-šu

a-a-um-ma i-na lìb-bi-šú-nu a-na É.GAL qer-bi-šu kúm-mu ri-mit be-lu-tú ša ṣu-ḫur šu-bat-su le-e-su ul id-da-a lìb-bu-uš ul iḫ-su-us

(68) (but) not one among them had paid heed to (or) shown interest in the palace inside it, the seat of lordly dwelling whose site had become too small; nor had anyone (of them) conceived of and put his mind towards the straightening of the city’s street(s) and the widening of (its) squares, the dredging of the river, (and) the planting of orchards:

a-na šu-te-šur SILA URU ù šum-dul re-ba-a-ti ḫa-re-e ÍD za-qa-ap ṣip-pa-a-te ú-zu-un-šú ul ib-ši-ma ul uš-ta-bil ka-ras-su

ia-a-ti mdEN.ZU-ŠEŠ.MEŠ-eri-ba LUGAL KUR aš-šur.KI e-peš šip-ri šu-a-tu ki-i ṭè-em DINGIR.MEŠ i-na uz-ni-ia ib-ši-ma ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma

(70) (But) as for me, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the performing of this work came to my attention by the will of the gods and I put my mind to it. I forcibly removed the people of Chaldea, Aramean (tribes), the land of the Manneans, (and) the lands Que and Ḫilakku, who had not submitted to my yoke, then I made them carry baskets (of earth) and they made bricks. I cut down canebrakes in Chaldea and I had their splendid reeds hauled (to Nineveh) for its (the palace’s) construction by enemy soldiers whom I had defeated.

te-ne-šet KUR.kal-di LÚ.a-ra-mu KUR.man-na-a-a KUR.qu-e ù KUR.ḫi-lak-ku šá a-na ni-ri-ia la kit-nu-šú as-su-ḫa-am-ma tup-šik-ku ú-šá-áš-ši-šú-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu SIG₄ 17

a-pe ku-pe-e ša qé-reb KUR.kal-di ak-šiṭ-ma ap-pa-ri-šú-un šam-ḫu-ti i-na ba-ḫu-la-ti na-ki-ri ki-šit-ti ŠU.II-ia ú-šal-di-da a-na e-peš šip-ri-šá

É.GAL maḫ-[ri]-⸢tu⸣ ša 30 NINDA ⸢šid⸣-du ù 10 NINDA SAG.KI-sa ša LUGAL.MEŠ-ni a-li-kut pa-ni AD.MEŠ-ia ú-še-pi-šu-ma la ú-nak-ki-lu ši-pir-šá 18

(73) The fo[rm]er palace, whose longer side was thirty nindanu and whose shorter side was ten nindanu, which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had constructed, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly, (and) alongside of which the Tebilti River had flowed from [dis]tant [days], caused erosion in its foundations, (and) shaken its base:

ša ul-tu [u₄-me ru]-⸢qu⸣-ti ÍD.te-bil-ti i-ta-a-šá i-ba-ʾu-ma i-na uš-ši-šá ab-bu ú-šab-šu-ú ú-ri-ib-bu tem-me-en-šá 19

⸢É.GAL.TUR⸣.[RA šá-a-tu] ⸢a-na⸣ si-ḫir-ti-šá aq-qur-ma ša ÍD.te-bil-ti ma-lak-šá uš-ṭib-ma ú-še-šir mu-ṣu-šá 20

(75) I tore down [that] small pala[ce] in its entirety and improved the course of the Tebilti River and directed its outflow.

⸢i-na⸣ [ITI] še-[me-e i-na] u₄-mi mit-ga-ri qé-reb ka-tim-ti a-sur-rak-ki-šá 1 UŠ šid-du 34 SAG.KI NA₄ KUR-i dan-nu ak-si-ma A.ŠÀ ul-tu ma-a-me ú-še-lam-ma na-ba-liš ú-še-me 21

(76) In [a] pro[pitious month, on] a favorable day, in the hidden depths of its subterranean waters I bonded together strong mountain stone sixty (nindanu) along (its) longer side (and) thirty-four (nindanu) along (its) shorter side, then I raised (that) area out of the water and converted (it) to dry land. In order to prevent its foundation from being weakened over the passage of time by cresting flood(s), I surrounded its damp course with large limestone slabs (and thereby) reinforced its base. Upon them, I filled in a terrace to a height of 160 courses of brick, then added (it) to the dimensions of the former palace and (thus) enlarged its structure.

⸢la-ba-riš u₄-me⸣ i-na ILLU kiš-šá-ti te-me-en-šu la e-né-ši as-kup-pat NA₄.pi-i-li rab-ba-a-ti a-sur-ru-šú ú-šá-as-ḫi-ra ú-dan-<ni>-na šu-pu-uk-šú 22

2 UŠ 40 ti-ib-ki ṣe-ru-uš-šin a-na e-la-ni tam-la-a ú-mal-li-ma e-li mi-ši-iḫ-ti É.GAL maḫ-ri-te ú-rad-di-ma ú-šá-an-di-la ti-sar-šá 23

É.GAL ZÚ AM.SI GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.TÚG GIŠ.mu-suk-kan-⸢ni⸣ GIŠ.⸢EREN⸣ GIŠ.ŠUR.MÌN GIŠ.ŠIM.LI ù GIŠ.bu-uṭ-ni é-gal-zag-du-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-šab LUGAL-ti-ia ú-še-pi-šá ⸢qé-reb⸣-šá 24

(79) I had a palace of elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and terebinth, (a palace that I named) Egalzagdunutukua (“The Palace Without a Rival”), constructed thereon as my royal residence.

GIŠ.ÙR.MEŠ GIŠ.EREN tar-bit KUR.ḫa-ma-nim ša ul-tu ⸢ḫur-šá-a-ni ru-qu⸣-ú-ti nam-ra-ṣi-iš ib-⸢bab⸣-lu-ni ú-šat-ri-ṣa ta-ra-an-ši-in 25

(80) I roofed them (the rooms of the palace) with beams of cedar grown on Mount Amanus, which were brought with difficulty from (that) distant mountain terrain. I fastened bands of shining bronze on magnificent doors of cypress, whose scent is sweet on opening and closing, and I installed (them) in their gates.

GIŠ.IG.ME GIŠ.ŠUR.MÌN ṣi-ra-a-ti ša i-na pe-te-e ⸢ù⸣ ta-a-ri e-re-sin ṭa-a-bu me-sér ZABAR nam-ri ú-rak*-kis-ma ú-rat-ta-a ba-bi-šin

É ap-pa-a-te tam-šil É.GAL KUR.ḫat-ti ša i-na li-šá-a-⸢ni⸣ KUR MAR.TU.KI É ḫi-la-a-ni i-šá-as-su-šú a-na mul-ta-ʾu-u-ti be-lu-ti-ia ú-še-pi-šá qé-reb-šin 26

(82) For my lordly pleasure, I had a portico, a replica of a Hittite palace, which is called bīt-ḫilāni in the language of the land Amurru, constructed inside them.

⸢8⸣ UR.MAḪ.MEŠ pe-tan bir-ki šu-ta-⸢tu⸣-ti ša ⸢i-na⸣ ŠÁR ŠÁR ŠÁR GÉŠ.U GUN URUDU nam-ru pi-ti-iq dnin-á-gal šu-pu-šu ma-lu-ú nam-ri-ri 27

(83) Eight striding lions, standing opposite one another, which were made from 11,400 talents of shining copper, cast by the god Ninagal, (and) were filled with radiance — upon (those) lion colossi I installed two identical columns that were cast from 6,000 talents of bronze, together with two large cedar columns, and I positioned cross-beams (upon them) as a cornice for their gate(s).

ù 2 tim-me šu-ta-ḫu-ti ša ŠÁR GÉŠ.U GÉŠ.U GÉŠ.U GÉŠ.U GUN pi-ti-iq si-par-ri šu-ub-bu-ʾu a-di 2 tim-me GIŠ.EREN GAL.MEŠ ⸢UGU⸣ pìrig-gal-le-e ú-kin-ma dáp-pi ku-lul KÁ-ši-in e-mid 28

er-bet UDU šad-di dLAMMA ša KÙ.BABBAR si-par-ri it-ti UDU šad-di dLAMMA ša NA₄ KUR-i eš-qí nak-liš ab-ni-ma a-na er-bet-ti šá-a-ri ú-šá-aṣ-bi-ta SI.GAR-ši-in as-mu 29

(85) I expertly fashioned four mountain sheep colossi of silver (and) bronze, together with mountain sheep colossi of massive mountain stone, and in four directions I had (them) hold their (the gates’) suitable door bolt(s).

as-kup-pat NA₄.pi-i-li rab-ba-a-ti da-ád-me na-ki-ri ki-šit-ti ŠU.II-ia qé-reb-ši-in es-si-⸢ḫa⸣ a-sur-ru-ši-in ú-šá-as-ḫi-ra a-na tab-ra-a-ti ú-šá-lik

(86) I engraved on large limestone slabs (images of) the enemy settlements that I had conquered. I surrounded their (the palace rooms’) lower courses (with them and) made (them) an object of wonder.

GIŠ.KIRI₆.MAḪ-ḫu tam-šil KUR.ḫa-ma-nim ša gi-mir ŠIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ GURUN ṣip-pa-a-te GIŠ.MEŠ tuk-lat šá-di-i ù KUR.kal-di qé-reb-šú ḫur-ru-šu i-ta-a-šá az-qu-up 30

(87) I planted alongside it (the palace) a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatic plants (and) fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, collected inside it.

áš-šu za-qa-ap ṣip-pa-a-ti A.ŠÀ ta-mir-ti e-le-en URU NIGIDAMIN.TA.ÀM a-na DUMU.MEŠ NINA.KI pil-ku ú-pal-lik-ma ú-šad-gi-la pa-nu-uš-šú-un

(88) To plant gardens, I subdivided the meadowland upstream of the city into plots of two pānu each for the citizens of Nineveh and I handed (them) over to them.

a-na miṭ-ra-a-ti šum-mu-ḫi ul-tu pa-a-ṭi URU.ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir-ti NINA.KI KUR-a ù bi-ru-tú i-na ak-kul-la-te AN.BAR ú-šat-tir-ma ú-še-šir ÍD.ḫar-ru 31

(89) To make (those) planted areas luxuriant, I cut with iron picks a canal straight through mountain and valley, from the border of the city Kisiru to the plain of Nineveh. (90) I caused an inexhaustible supply of water to flow there for a distance of one and a half leagues from the Ḫusur River (and) made (it) gush through feeder canals into those gardens.

1 1/2 KASKAL.GÍD qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qé-reb ÍD.ḫu-su-ur ma-a-me da-ru-ú-ti a-šar-šá ú-šar-da-a qé-reb ṣip-pa-a-te šá-ti-na ú-šaḫ-bi-ba pat-ti-iš

ul-tu šip-ru É.GAL be-lu-ti-ia ú-qat-tu-ú ú-šá-an-di-la re-ba-a-ti bi-re-e-ti su-qa-a-ni uš-par-du-ma ú-nam-mir GIM u₄-me

(91) After I had finished the work on my lordly palace, broadened the squares, (and) brought light into the alleys (and) streets, making (them) as bright as day, I invited inside it (the palace) the god Aššur, the great lord, (and) the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, then I made splendid offerings and presented my gift(s).

daš-šur EN GAL-ú DINGIR.MEŠ ù dIŠ.TAR.MEŠ a-ši-bu-ut KUR aš-šur.KI i-na qer-bi-šá aq-re-ma UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ taš-ri-iḫ-ti aq-qí-ma ú-šat-lim kàd-⸢ra⸣-a-a

a-na ár-kàt u₄-me i-na LUGAL.MEŠ-ni DUMU.MEŠ-ia ša daš-šur a-na RE.É.UM-ut KUR ù UN.MEŠ i-nam-bu-ú zi-kir-šú e-nu-ma É.GAL šá-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-ḫu

(93) In the future, may one [/b][/color][/size]

غير متصل Ashur Rafidean

  • عضو مميز
  • ****
  • مشاركة: 1021
    • مشاهدة الملف الشخصي
رد: " الآراميون لا يخافون الموت "!
« رد #2 في: 05:37 31/01/2015 »
سيد هنري
والساحة العراقية وبعض الدول العربية المتواجدين فيها السريان مثلا مفتوحة لمشاركتك ومساعداتك المالية والمعنوية اذا كنت حقا ارامي لا تخاف من الموت ولكن يبين انك تنادي من فرنسا بالحرية لابناء جلدتك فقط عبر مواقع الكترونية.

غير متصل henri bedros kifa

  • عضو فعال جدا
  • ***
  • مشاركة: 653
    • مشاهدة الملف الشخصي
    • البريد الالكتروني
رد: " الآراميون لا يخافون الموت "!
« رد #3 في: 11:07 31/01/2015 »
              " الإمبراطورية الأشورية سادت ثم بادت "
السيد  آشور بيت شليمون
لا أحد ينكر عظمة الأشوريين و لكن هذا الشعب قد زال نهائيا من التاريخ. أنت سرياني متحدر من تلك القبائل الآرامية و لكنك تدعي
 زيفا بهوية أشورية و تتوهم أن التسمية الأشورية تعطيك" حقوق تاريخية "
في أرض أشور القديمة !
 الطروحات الأشورية المزيفة التي تدافع عنها لا تعطيك أنت في شيكاغو
أو بقية السريان المنادين بالتسمية الأشورية المزيفة أية حقوق تاريخية أو
سياسية !
 عاجلا أم عاجلا سيكتشف مسيحيو العراق بأنهم أحفاد الآراميين !
تعليقاتك السطحية لن توقف عجلة الوعي بين المثقفين !
 هذه الكتابة الأكادية تفضح جهلكم لتاريخ العراق القديم و تظهر مدى
إنتشار القبائل الآرامية ( الكلدانية و الآرامية ) في بلاد أكاد...

غير متصل henri bedros kifa

  • عضو فعال جدا
  • ***
  • مشاركة: 653
    • مشاهدة الملف الشخصي
    • البريد الالكتروني
رد: " الآراميون لا يخافون الموت "!
« رد #4 في: 20:00 31/01/2015 »
السيد Ashur Rafidean
 أريدك أن تطمئن بالك بأنني لا أخاف الموت و إنني سرياني آرامي متخصص في التاريخ السرياني : كوني أعيش في فرنسا لا يمنعي في
تصحيح الكثير من الطروحات المزيفة التي تلطخ تاريخ أجدادنا !
 أخيرا إنني لست مناضلا سياسيا و احكم علي من خلال أبحاثي و ليس
لأنني أعيش في فرنسا و لكن على ما يبدو أن تصحيح الأخطاء و فضح
الإيديولوجية الأشورية المزيفة بطريقة علمية يزعجك !

غير متصل آشور بيت شليمون

  • عضو فعال جدا
  • ***
  • مشاركة: 842
    • مشاهدة الملف الشخصي
    • البريد الالكتروني
رد: " الآراميون لا يخافون الموت "!
« رد #5 في: 12:07 01/02/2015 »
السيد هنري بدروس:

إن آشور والآشورية باقية والى الابد مهما حاول البعض من خفافيش الظلام مما يسمى البدو الاراميين العمل لطمسها.
واكبر مثل على ذلك على ارض الواقع حيث الآشورية تسير في صفوف شعبنا وبكنائسه المختلفة، بينما آراميوك اليوم لا وجود لهم وإذا وجدوا فهم عرب بامتياز ودمشق كما تعرف هي قلب العروبة النابض وبرضى بطريرك العرب، بطريرك الروم الأرثوذكس الذين بحق هم يمثلون الآراميين  أكثر منك القابع في باريس !!!!

غير متصل henri bedros kifa

  • عضو فعال جدا
  • ***
  • مشاركة: 653
    • مشاهدة الملف الشخصي
    • البريد الالكتروني
رد: " الآراميون لا يخافون الموت "!
« رد #6 في: 16:50 08/02/2015 »
السيد آشور بيت شليمون
أنت تضيع وقتي لأنك تبحث عن مهاترات و يبدو إنك عاجزا لا تستطيع
إلا أن تردد ما تعرفه و هذه مصيبة : تتوهم إنك تعرف تاريخ الشرق و
تدعي بطروحات خاطئة و عندما أرد على تعليقاتك تقوم و تحذف
مواضيعك الفارغة كي لا يطلع " أصحابك " كيف أفضح جهلك !
لا تتوقف عن الدفاع عن أوهامك الأشورية المزيفة .. و إستنجد بالشعراء
و الأطباء و الفكهاء و إنني سأستنجد بمصادر أجدادك السريان كي
أظهر مفاهيمك الأشورية المزيفة !

غير متصل آشور بيت شليمون

  • عضو فعال جدا
  • ***
  • مشاركة: 842
    • مشاهدة الملف الشخصي
    • البريد الالكتروني
رد: " الآراميون لا يخافون الموت "!
« رد #7 في: 19:49 08/02/2015 »
السيد هنري بدروس كيفا:

كونك جاهل ولكن عنيد ولا تعترف بعجزك وهنا الكلام ليس مني، بل من اخ شريف على الأقل لا ينكر الحقيقة وهو الأخ الكاتب والشاعر يوسف صبري وهاك الكلام منه:

سؤالي ليس حشرياً كما تظن، وهناك الكثير ممن يحملون فكراً آشورياً وآثورياً، ولهم باع كبير في مجال التاريخ وبشكل عميق، هل تعتقد أنك فقط مع مجموعة من السريان الآراميين لديكم اهتمامات في التاريخ، ثم أن اهتمامك على ما يبدو، منصب على التاريخ السرياني الآرامي ولستَ متعمِّقاً بالتاريخ الآشوري العريق، وهنا أحيلكَ إلى قراءة قصة الحضارة لوول ديورانت، ستجد نفسك كم أنتَ بعيد عن الحضارة والتاريخ الآشوري، تفضل زر المتحف البريطاني والمتحف الخاص بالآشوريات في برلين ستجد هناك عرين الأسد الآشوري يتربع في صدر متاحف العالم، وهو تاريخ ناصع لهذه الإمبراطورية، والآشوريون الحاليون هم أحفاد تلكَ الحضارة. فلماذا تدّعي بانقراضهم تارةً وبذوبانهم في السريان الآراميين تارة أخرى؟!