المحرر موضوع: تفسير انجيلي جديد لاية من اصحاح اشعياء  (زيارة 605 مرات)

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غير متصل اخيقر يوخنا

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  • مشاركة: 4981
    • مشاهدة الملف الشخصي
    • البريد الالكتروني
تفسير  انجيلي جديد لاية من اصحاح اشعياء

اخيقر يوخنا

كثيرا ما يصعب فهم بعص ايات من الكتاب المقدس ، وخاصة احدى الايات في اشعياء النبي التي يقول فيها ،( الكلدان  هذا الشعب لم يكن خلقه اشور لاهل البرية ) اشعياء ٢٣-١٣
فما هو المقصود بكلمة خلقه ،،حيث ان اشور ليس الخالق ؟
بل ان الله قد اختار اشور كعكازة يده على الارض وليس خالقا
واخيرا جاء تفسير انجيلي جديد لهذه الايه
حيث نقرا  الاتي ؛

Lowth translates the verse thus: “Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this people was of no account; (the Assyrian founded it for the inhabitants of the desert; they raised the watch towers, they set up the palaces thereof): this people hath reduced her to a ruin.” Herodotus says “the Assyrians built the towers and temples of Babylon” (Isa. 48:14,20; Jer. 21:4, 9-10: Ezek. 23:14; Dan. 5:30; Dan. 9:1).
) (انظر الى ارض الكلدانيين ،هذا الشعب لم يكن ، الاشوريون اسسوها لسكان الصحراء ،انهم بنوا ابراج المراقبة ،وبنوا القصور لذلك )

ومن مقطع اخر نقر ا
It has been judged that the Hebrew word Kasdim, translated “Chaldeans,” is from the Assyrian word Kasadu, “to conquer,” and is applied to those who “conquered” the Chaldean plain
( ان كلمة كاسديم العبرية ترجمت الى كلدان ، من كلمة كاسدو الاشورية ، ليخضع ،استخدمت لهوءلاء الذين احتلوا او اخضعوا سهل الكلدان

ومقطع اخر يوضح ان الكسديم كانوا قباءل
. At first they were a number of tribes in South Babylonia, but were afterward united and increased. They became merged by the mixing of races and living together, so
(في البداية كانوا عد من القباءل جنوب بابل وبعد ذلك اتحدوا وتكاثروا )

وجملة اخيرة  حول  تكوين الشعب الكلداني  كان من مزيج من الاعراق
They became merged by the mixing of races and living together, so as not to be distinguishable from the Babylonian
(واندمجت مجموعة من الاعراق وعاشوا سويه معا وبذلك لا يمكن فصلهم عن البابليين )
واترك القاريء مع معلومات مهمة ادناه ،واعتذر لتفسير كل المقاطع لضيق الوقت
وهناك معلومات اخرى  من مقالات اخرى حول نفس الموضوع سوف اتطرق اليها لاحقا
Library Home>Concise Bible Dictionary>Concise Bible Dictionary: C>Chaldeans, Chaldees
Chaldeans, Chaldees
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By:George A. MorrishFrom:Concise Bible DictionaryFrom:Concise Bible Dictionary: C
Genesis 11:28,31; Genesis 15:7; Job 1:17; 2 Kings 24:2; Ezra 5:12; 2 Kings 25; 2 Chronicles 36:17; Isaiah 23:13; Isaiah 48:14,20; Jeremiah 21:4,9-10; Ezekiel 23:14; Daniel 5:30; Daniel 9:1
After the mention of Ur of the Chaldees in Genesis 11:28, 31 and Genesis 15:7; and the Chaldeans who fell upon Job’s camels (Job 1:17) we do not read of them for some fifteen hundred years, when God sent them to punish Judah (2 Kings 24:2). Then, however, they cannot be distinguished from the Babylonians. Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon was called a Chaldean (Ezra 5:12), and on the taking of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar it was the Chaldeans who destroyed the city (2 Kings 25); and in 2 Chronicles 36:17 Nebuchadnezzar is called “the king of the Chaldees.” It is evident therefore that the Babylonians are called Chaldees; and at one time the Assyrians were associated with the Babylonians. We read “Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this people was not, till the Assyrian founded it for them that dwell in the wilderness” (Isa. 23:13). This passage has been variously interpreted. The meaning appears to be that it was the Chaldeans that were going to destroy Tyre. They were a people that had not been reckoned among the nations until the Assyrians consolidated them into a nation. They had formerly dwelt in the wilderness—as when they fell upon Job’s camels (Job 1:17). This was the people that would bring Tyre to ruin. Lowth translates the verse thus: “Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this people was of no account; (the Assyrian founded it for the inhabitants of the desert; they raised the watch towers, they set up the palaces thereof): this people hath reduced her to a ruin.” Herodotus says “the Assyrians built the towers and temples of Babylon” (Isa. 48:14,20; Jer. 21:4, 9-10: Ezek. 23:14; Dan. 5:30; Dan. 9:1).
It has been judged that the Hebrew word Kasdim, translated “Chaldeans,” is from the Assyrian word Kasadu, “to conquer,” and is applied to those who “conquered” the Chaldean plain. The earlier inhabitants had an agglutinative language, such as the descendants of Cush would have: whereas the Chaldeans spoken of in the Old Testament were a Semitic race, who then possessed the land. At first they were a number of tribes in South Babylonia, but were afterward united and increased. They became merged by the mixing of races and living together, so as not to be distinguishable from the Babylonians.
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