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مواضيع - Raymond Raphael

صفحات: [1]
In 1892 the Palestine Pilgrim’s Society translated (from Latin/Italian language) the only Manuscript known at that time of the pilgrimage of Saewulf to the holy land during 1102, 1103 AD.

Saewulf is clearly referring to the local Christians in the holy land as Assyrians (assirii, assirriis, assyriis) which had been translated to Assyrians in English.

It is also noteworthy that the translator, only  in his comments, uses the word “Syrians”  as in reference to “Assyrians”.

Title of the book is:
SAEWULF (1102, 1103 AD)
Translated by Rev. Canon Brownlow, M.A.
Trinity College, Cambridge
London 24, Hanover Square W.

Raymond Raphael, France, March 2017

صفحات: [1]