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الرسائل - Raymond Raphael

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السيد جورج السرياني المحترم
سبق للأخ ابرم شبيرا أن كتب مقالة في هذا المنبر بتاريخ   14-11-2016 حول القديس مار يعقوب الأشوري والذي لديه كنيسة باسمه في فرنسا بنيت سنة 1558. الصور المرفقة اخذتها عند زيارتي للكنيسة والتي لا تحتاج الى شرح.
كذلك اود أن أشير إلى المقالة التي كتبتها عن سيولف SAEWULF والذي زار الأراضي المقدسة ما بين 1022-1023  ميلادية وأشار إلى وجود الأشوريين هناك.
الرابط الى هذه المقالة
ريمون روفائيل - فرنسا

Dear Rabi Akhiqar
Please click on the first attachment to read my comments
Raymond Raphael

Dear Dr. Rabi
Please click on the attachement and read my comments

Dear Rabbi Mikhael Mamo
Please feel free to contact me by email at
With my best wishes
Raymond Raphael

Dear Rabbi Mikhael Mamo
Many thanks for your article and the rich information that you gathered about the history of Assyrian publications
I would like to add the following information which I think are necessary to establish the continuity of the Assyrian nation prior to any contact made with English in the mid of 19th century.
In 1770, the Georgian King Irakli II made an attempt to establish contacts with the Yzidis and used the Assyrian Archbishop Isaiah as a mediator. Irakli II sent through Isaiah a letter to the Yzidis Chief, Choban-Agha, in which he proposed a non-Muslim coalition of the Yzidis, Armenians and Assyrians against the Ottoman Sultan.
For a copy of the original letter and the French translation please see the link below:

Also, in his book titled “The Life and Adventures of Joseph Emin an Armenian -1792”, the Armenian Emin Joseph Emin (1726-1809) who was a prominent figure of the Armenian national liberation movement confirms the attempt made by the Armenians, Assyrians and Yzidi Kurds to join the Georgian forces against the Turkish forces.
Please refer to the attached extracts from his book.
Concerning 17th century sources we can add the following:
•   John Speed’s map of Turkey 1626. It is clear that the third person on the left is an Assyrian.
Just for information, I think Rabbi Akhiqar Youkhana referred to this map sometime ago.

Link to John Speed’s map

•   The voyager Pietro Della Valle (1586-1652) clearly mentions that his wife was from an Assyrian nation and of the blood of old Christians.
Please refer to the attached extracts.

With my best wishes.

Raymond Raphael - France

Dear Mr. عبدالاحد سليمان بولص

I have attached few extracts from the following books for your kind consideration:

1-   The Legend of Mar Qardagh, by Joel Thomas Walker, 2006. This book is considered as the best and complete book about the biography of Mar Qardagh.

2-   Acta Mar Kardaghi (The Assyrian Officer), by J.B. Abbeloos 1890. It is the Latin translation of the biography with origin Syriac texts.

3-   The Doctrine of Addai the Apostle, by George Phillips, 1876. It is the English translation from Syriac texts.

4-   Synodicon Orientale, by J.B. Chabot, 1902. It is French translation with Syriac texts.

From the attachments you can notice:

-   There is no doubt in the mind of the hagiographer who wrote the biography of Mar Qardagh that the saint was from Assyrian race and his father was descended from the lineage of the house of Nimrod and his mother from the lineage of the house of Sennacherib. This exactly matches with the what is written by Albert Abouna.

-   In the Doctrine of Mar Addai, the phrasing (and in their own country of the Assyrians) it is clear that they are referring to the Assyrian people or at least there were Assyrians living in the country intended.

-   Synodicon Orientale, in Synod year 585 AD, we can read the signatory n° 24 as follows:
And on behalf of Mar Henana, Metropolitan of the Assyrians, signed by Mar Aba, priest, his archdeacon.

If all the above are not referring to the Assyrians then which nation do these documents refer to?

With my best wishes

Raymond Raphael  - France

Dear Khoshaba
I am deeply saddened by the news of your loss.
May the soul of your brother Shimshon be at peace with our Heavenly Father.
Please accept our sincere condolences.
Raymond Raphael

In 1892 the Palestine Pilgrim’s Society translated (from Latin/Italian language) the only Manuscript known at that time of the pilgrimage of Saewulf to the holy land during 1102, 1103 AD.

Saewulf is clearly referring to the local Christians in the holy land as Assyrians (assirii, assirriis, assyriis) which had been translated to Assyrians in English.

It is also noteworthy that the translator, only  in his comments, uses the word “Syrians”  as in reference to “Assyrians”.

Title of the book is:
SAEWULF (1102, 1103 AD)
Translated by Rev. Canon Brownlow, M.A.
Trinity College, Cambridge
London 24, Hanover Square W.

Raymond Raphael, France, March 2017

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