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مواضيع - alqush_hawk

صفحات: [1]
درس الانكليزية / Common English Errors2
« في: 20:38 04/12/2008  »
Incorrect You must be quite a character.
Correct You are quite a character
Incorrect In fact, Billy really owns some personality to be a VIP.   
Correct In fact, Billy really has what it takes to be a VIP.
Incorrect Just now my connection have problem ........
Correct I just had a connection problem.........
Incorrect Joei,  maybe I will sleepless after I saw his pic !
Correct Joei, I may be sleepless tonight after seeing his picture !
Incorrect I am so boring today, please bring me fun.   
Correct I feel so bored today, please say something funny.
Incorrect Judy : Tom sent his pic to me for long time ago.
Correct Judy : Tom sent me his picture a long time ago.   
Incorrect You can try it more ..........
Correct You can try a few times ...........   
Incorrect He went to abroad to further his study.   
Correct He went abroad to further his study.
Incorrect Because that can let me more to be clear about your talk.
Correct Because that can help me to understand what you said better.
Incorrect Do you live there from the day your born.
Correct Have you lived there since birth ? 
Incorrect You are very learned.
Correct You are very knowledgeable.

Incorrect I am sorry, my computer have the problem.
Correct I am sorry, there is a problem with my computer.
Incorrect Today, I'll wash my cat.
Correct I'll give my cat a bath today.
Incorrect How many days left for you to quit your position ?
Correct How many days are left before you quit your job?
Correct How many days are left until you quit your job?
Incorrect Well, now my connection have problem. 
Correct Well, I have some problems with my connection now.
Incorrect I writed the sentences yours down ... Maggie.
Correct I have written down your sentences, Maggie.
Incorrect Did Thailand come into rain season ?
Correct Is it the rainy season in Thailand ?
Incorrect Well, Peter !!! You must not a material boy, that is my kind too.
Correct Well, Peter !!! You are not a materialistic person like me. 
Incorrect I'm so much pleasing to talk with you. 
Correct I'm so pleased/happy to talk with you.
Incorrect But I had sent it for 3 days.
Correct But I sent it 3 days ago.
Incorrect How is going everything ?   
Correct How is everything going ?
Incorrect I don't know how speak it in English.   
Correct I don't know how to say it in English.
Incorrect How many mountains exist in China ?
Correct How many mountains are there in China ?

درس الانكليزية / Common English Errors
« في: 20:17 04/12/2008  »
Incorrect John is kindness, so many people want to chat with him.
Correct John is so kind that many people want to chat with him.   
Incorrect Had you come to Korea ? Randy
Correct Have you ever been to Korea, Randy ?   
Incorrect Chan, are your work busy ?
Correct Chan, do you have a busy job ?   
Incorrect I am going to a picnic.     
Correct I am going on a picnic.
Incorrect I am a bit in a hurry.   
Correct I am in a bit of a hurry.
Incorrect Ah Ling, What is Hong Kong interesting.
Correct Ah Ling, What is in Hong Kong interesting.
Incorrect I'll date her out this Saturday.
Correct I'll take her out on a date this Saturday.
Incorrect My house is to ten minute of her.
Correct It is a ten minute drive from my house to hers. 
Incorrect I had told you I am from Iraq.
Correct I have told you before that I am from Iraq.   
Incorrect How do you think to learn the English ?
Correct What is your point on learning English ?
Incorrect Would you please don't ask me this question, OK ?
Correct Would you please not ask me this question, OK ?
Incorrect I'm heard music.
Correct I am listening to some music now.

Incorrect I am come from China.
Correct I am from China/ I come from China.
Incorrect OK, I will see you late !
Correct OK, I will see you later !
Incorrect I wish I have .....
Correct I wish I had ....
Incorrect I am going to watch the cinema tonight.
Correct I am going to a movie tonight.
Incorrect I am difficult to learn English.
Correct It is difficult for me to learn English.
Incorrect I still so surprise we were born in same day.
Correct I am so surprised that we were born on the same day.
Incorrect Is there some topic talk about ?
Correct Is there any topic to talk about ?
Incorrect Give me a favor !
Correct Please do me a favor !
Incorrect I don't understand the meaning what you say...
Correct I don't understand the meaning of what you said ....
Incorrect There are not anything wrong ...
Correct There is nothing wrong ....
Incorrect Why not come yesterday ?   
Correct Why didn't you come yesterday ?
Incorrect What hobby do you like ?
Correct What is your hobby ?
Incorrect Almost people here I never met before.
Correct Almost all the people here are strangers to me.

Delightful Dolphins of the Deep

For ages, sailors have said that it is good luck to see dolphins swimming alongside boats. Their presence meant that land was near, which would be vital information if a boat and her crew were in danger. Some dolphins have even protected shipwrecked sailors from sharks. It is no wonder that these unique and fascinating creatures have long been known as our friends.
You may think dolphins are fish, but they are actually mammals. They are related to whales and porpoises, and they evolved around 10 million years ago. Dolphins breathe air, give birth to live young, and feed them milk. They are social animals, living together in groups called pods or schools that range in size of up to 12. In places rich in food, many schools can combine together to form pods of up to 1,000 dolphins.

Dolphins are thought to be intelligent animals because of their playfulness, curiosity, and quick ability to learn. They seem to communicate with each other through a combination of squeaks, whistles, and clicks. While scientists don't know what they are going on about, it is thought that dolphins are telling each other that food is nearby, or warning each other of approaching danger. Dolphins use sonar to discover an object's size, shape, and location. By sending out a series of clicks and receiving the echo that bounces off the object, they can differentiate between a shark and a boat.

Unfortunately, dolphins have faced increasing danger in recent years. Fishermen in pursuit of profitable tuna may accidentally trap dolphins in their nets, killing them in the process. These intelligent mammals of the sea deserve our protection and respect.
  1. Dolphins don't ______.
    (A) lay eggs under the sea
    (B) speak with each other
    (C) have a strong aptitude for learning
    (D) live in groups that can be made up of hundreds 
  2. How do dolphins communicate with one another?
    (A) Through radio waves.
    (B) Via sonograms. مخطط الامواج فوق الصوت
    (C) By clapping their fins together.
    (D) Through various noises.
  3. According to the article, what poses a threat to dolphins?
    (A) Whales.
    (B) Tuna.
    (C) Sailors.
    (D) Fishermen.
      porpoises   a mammal that lives in the sea, swims in groups and looks similar to a dolphin but has a shorter rounder nose
      squeak   to make a short very high cry or sound
      in pursuit of   the act of trying to achieve

Answers : 1) A    2) D    3) D

By Translator :- Alqush_hawk

صفحات: [1]