المحرر موضوع: نعوم فائق و استشهاد مار بنيامين  (زيارة 4411 مرات)

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غير متصل Dr. Khoshaba Georg

  • عضو جديد
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  • مشاركة: 1
    • مشاهدة الملف الشخصي
    • البريد الالكتروني

غير متصل بولص آدم

  • عضو مميز
  • ****
  • مشاركة: 1185
    • مشاهدة الملف الشخصي
    • البريد الالكتروني
الدكتور ، الخور خوشابا كوركيس جزيل الأحترام

  تحية ومحبة

  تحية ملؤها التقدير لجهودكم المعطاءة في الرب ، والأبداع ، خدمة لنقاء وخلود الروح الحية ..

    اخوكم المتواضع
    بولس ادم


غير متصل Nineb Lamassu

  • عضو فعال جدا
  • ***
  • مشاركة: 106
    • مشاهدة الملف الشخصي
    • البريد الالكتروني
Dear Rabi Khoshaba Georges,

Thank you for publishing this great document. I had also translated this document and published it the latest issue of Zinda Magazine (www.zindamagazine.com) i am pasting the English translation below:

News Too Grievous
The Assassination of Mar Shimun Catholicos of the East

Translated from Assyrian by: Nineb Lamassu

The harsh war that has been brought on to the entire world by the offspring of iniquity brings us bitter and sad news everyday. All of American newspapers write and report on the assassination of Mar Shimun Catholicos of the East and the Patriarch of the Assyrians in Persia, by the savage Kurds whose hands are weltered in innocent Assyrian blood.

He, his late Grace was assassinated whilst struggling like a brave warrior against the Kurds. The telegram of this account that is full of grief which came from the American Dr. Vanneman  informs us the following:

“There is no news from Urmi and Salams for a few weeks now: and other accounts that we received inform us that there is a great famine in Urmi. It is not possible to send food relief. Mar Shimun has been assassinated, and the Assyrians are still, until now, in war”.

This news which reached our ears truly distresses us because his grace Mar Shimun was the hope for all of Assyrianity. Mr. Poulos Shimun, the representative of Mar Shimun , copied us on the telegram and called us to a remembrance which took place in Yonkers city.

Together with our Chorepiscopus reverend Youkhanan, we went and organised a remembrance for him according to the rights of our church. This service took place in (St. Johns) the big Episcopal Church in Yonkers. There were more than two hundred Assyrian people from different places present, and the service commenced by a song from the people. After that Fr. Iskhaq Youkhanan rose and presented his speech, and spoke on the assassination of Mar Shimun. And then our priest, Chorepiscopus Yuhanin, together with the editor (Naum Faik), conducted a service in the Old Language  and after the conclusion of the service, Chorepiscopus Yuhanin gave a sad speech on the life of Mar Shimun and he based his speech on the words of the holy bible, and then the editor read a short and mournful lamentation  on the Assassination of Mar Shimun.

After we finished this service, Dr. Youkhanin Abraham rose and read a sorrowful and well articulated speech on the life of the late Patriarch. Then Poulos Shimun rose and spoke on the conducts of the deceased in well composed words. After that Prof. Jackson, that friend of the Assyrians, spoke words of consolation and shared this sadness with us. Thereafter the people were released and the hearts of all were full of lament and grief over this great strike that has smitten the Assyrian people.
Also on that same day there was another good remembrance on the soul of the Patriarch Mar Shimun in the Hungarian Presbytery church of Yonkers by Mr. Abraham Shlimon, and he spoke sufficiently and lengthily on the life of the deceased.

We ask God to rest the soul of Mar Shimun, that good shepherd who entrusted his life as a sacrifice for the liberation of his people. And we ask God to replace him with a very wise leader, like Solomon, to lead his people in these hard times of war. And grant peace to the world and speed the liberation of our people from the hands of their merciless plunderers, murderers, and oppressors.

The editor of Beth Nahrain issue number 6, March 1918 . 

Lamentation on the Assassination of Mar Shimun the Patriarch.

Read during the service organised on the soul of Mar Shimun in Yonkers city. Naum Faik, the editor wrote this poem on the departed soul of Mar Shimun and read it himself in the church.

Today a mighty worrier fell among the Assyrians
On the sadness of his fall the earth laments
With immeasurable tears in the eyes, and grief in the hearts
For the offspring of iniquity betrayed Mar Shimun the Catholicos.

What is this grievous news that has fallen upon our ears?
That the devils have assassinated our praised father in treachery
Is this a hallucination sent upon us?
Or is it a dream that troubles our eased mind?

Yes we read in the Newspapers that the Kurds assassinated Mar Shimun
Our eyes dimmed, our emotions moved and we were shocked greatly.
Woe to the oppressors that paid their neighbours back in evil.
Instead of tranquillity and in exchange of our goodwill, they faced us with the Sword.

The Shepherd was smitten the flock too was scattered
Our mind was paralysed due to this news full of tragedy.
The earth quaked and heavens quivered because of this account
Today the head of the church was assassinated by the worst of savages.

A valiant man, a warrior and a good shepherd
Sacrificed his life for the sake of his flock with a rejoicing heart
Manifested himself as a hero in this war
It is an astonishing affair; he mocked death for the sake of his nation.

For his country he offered himself as a perfect sacrifice
He became an example for martyrdom and fashioned its form
For him lament all that are in heavens and earth
Because Mar Shimun was assassinated by the treachery and ill-will of the unfaithful.

Lament and cry O Assyrians for our leader has fallen
And in the darkness of Kurdishness our sun has set
Until when will these savages trudge on our sanctuaries?
And increase our pain and add more torment on our suffering.

O Assyrians shed tears for our crown has fallen
Our light dimmed our dawn dusked and our torch extinguished
By his assassination the wormwood was prepared and our aspiration turned bitter
Again our people are oppressed and our fence destroyed, pillaged and ruined.

Grief prevails over the world today due to the news of your death
Your memory shall never depart from among us
Sadness and grief surround us because of your separation
Forever your memory will be praised in our hearts

Because of your death Assyrianity is covered in mourning
Because to us, your Assassination is an incurable wound
If Kurdishness rejoices today over your death
Our lord is ready to revenge your blood in justice tomorrow.